How to get O.P.Q system borderlands 3

To obtain the O.P.Q. System in Borderlands 3, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Progress through the main story: Play through the main story campaign until you reach the “Lair of the Harpy” mission in the Jakobs Manor area on the planet Eden-6.
  2. Defeat the boss: During the “Lair of the Harpy” mission, you will face off against the boss named Aurelia. Defeat her to progress in the story.
  3. Access the VIP Tower: After defeating Aurelia, you will gain access to the VIP Tower. Follow the mission objectives and make your way up the tower.
  4. Complete the “Cold as the Grave” mission: The next main mission you need to complete is “Cold as the Grave,” which takes place in the Dustbound Archives on Eden-6. This mission will involve battling multiple enemies and bosses.
  5. Reach the boss area: Keep progressing through the Dustbound Archives until you reach the boss area called the Anvil. You will face off against multiple enemies and bosses here, including the final boss named Graveward.
  6. Defeat Graveward: Engage in the battle against Graveward and defeat it. Once you defeat Graveward, it will drop several items, including the O.P.Q. System.
  7. Pick up the O.P.Q. System: After defeating Graveward, check the ground for loot drops. If the O.P.Q. System dropped, it will appear as a legendary weapon. Make sure to pick it up.

Note: The O.P.Q. System has a random drop chance from Graveward, so it may take several attempts before you obtain it. Additionally, make sure you are playing on Mayhem mode or at a high enough difficulty to increase the chances of legendary drops.

That’s how you can obtain the O.P.Q. System in Borderlands 3. Good luck with your loot hunting!

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